The newest season of Storytellers launches Nov. 11, with VH1 Storytellers: Taylor Swift airing at 11 p.m. The episode roll-out is fast and furious after that, with VH1 Storytellers: Alicia Keysand VH1 Storytellers: Pink airing at 11 p.m on over the next two days, on Nov. 12 and Nov. 13, respectively. The episodes will also air on the Storytellers website.As an additional bit of news on this front, Taylor Swift — always looking to connect with her fans in new ways — this morning announced a concert to dovetail with her Storytellers taping. She’ll tape her episode at a winning high school or college in the continental U.S. Through Sept. 23, students can vote for their school at a special website, which also includes more details about the contest. The schools with the top five votes will each receive a $10,000 grant for their music department from Swift and student hub Chegg’s philanthropic program, Chegg for Good.
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